Saving the world Land

Conserve, Protect, Sustain: A Global Call to Save World Land.

"We won't have a society if we destroy the environment."
- Margaret Mead

Conservation Action

Land Acquisition in West Africa: Protecting 150,000 Acres of Biodiversity

We aim to purchase 150,000 acres of land in Western Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire, focusing on areas that are critical for endangered species.

Habitat Acquisition in the UK: Protecting Land for Wildlife and Biodiversity

We plan to purchase significant tracts of land in the Scottish Highlands and the Lake District, focusing on areas where habitat restoration will have the greatest impact on biodiversity.

Reforestation: Planting 50 Million Trees in 5 Years

We aim to plant 50 million trees . This reforestation effort will focus on restoring degraded lands, and providing habitats for endangered species.

Tackling Desert Encroachment Through Reforestation

We aim to reforest 500,000 acres in the Sahel region, planting drought-resistant trees and vegetation to create a green barrier that will halt desert encroachment.

Why It Matters

Land conservation is crucial for the survival of our planet. It protects the habitats of countless species, preserves biodiversity, and combats climate change by storing carbon and regulating ecosystems. By conserving land, we safeguard the natural resources that all life depends on, ensuring a sustainable future for both wildlife and humanity. Every acre we protect today helps secure a healthier, more resilient planet for generations to come.

We will fight to make the Change needed

We have Protected

Acres of Land protected
Trees Planted
Species protected

"A world where every piece of land is valued and protected, ensuring that natural habitats are preserved, biodiversity is sustained, and the ecological balance is maintained."

What we do

Compassion for the Land is a NGO dedicated to the conservation, restoration, and protection of natural landscapes worldwide. Our mission is to preserve land ecosystems in their natural state, safeguarding them as vital carbon capture zones that combat climate change. By protecting these landscapes, we provide a haven for wildlife and create a lasting legacy for future generations.

Make a donation

Your donation to is an investment in the future of our planet. By supporting our work, you're helping to protect vital ecosystems that capture carbon, combat climate change, and preserve habitats for countless species. Every contribution, big or small, directly impacts our ability to conserve natural landscapes and ensure a sustainable, thriving world for generations to come. Make a difference today—donate now and be a part of the solution.

We strive for a world where natural lands thrive, sustaining both people and the diverse species that call them home.

We can achieve this together.

Lastest News

Discover how Compassion for the Land is making headlines with our latest conservation achievements and initiatives. From securing vast new habitats to advancing our reforestation efforts, stay updated on our progress and impact. Learn how your support is driving real change and helping us protect the world we all share. Check out our recent updates and join us in our mission to safeguard the planet.

This one world is all we've got— protect it. Support our mission today.

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